Hillger NDT: Control trade fair

The Control international trade fair for quality assurance will take place from 6 to 9 May in Stuttgart, Germany. Hillger NDT – member of the BUTTING Group – will be in attendance with highlights from its ultrasonic testing technology product range and live presentations in Hall 7, Booth 7426.

The following product highlights will be presented at the trade fair:

Air-coupled ultrasound: USPC 4000
Hillger NDT has developed AirTech testing technology for air-coupled testing requirements. The USPC 4000 AirTech ultrasonic test system and robust AirTech sensor technology using optimised pulser/receiver test heads deliver high-quality results in tough conditions. A wide range of materials can be tested using this equipment: composites. sandwich structures, ceramics, metals, refractory bricks, foams or wood.

Mobile test systems: MUSE
MUSE (Mobile Ultrasonic Equipment) is a portable scanner with local water coupling for high frequencies up to 65 MHz. It delivers high-resolution findings in the form of A, B, C, D and F scans, comparable to a conventional system with a dip tank. Applications include: on-site ultrasonic testing, detection of internal flaws and testing of GFRP, CFRP or metals.

Manual tests: USBUS 3010
With USBUS, Hillger NDT offers a range of efficient and affordable A-scan ultrasonic testing equipment for research, development and training. The USBUS equipment can be connected to any Windows PC or laptop via a USB interface. The devices are controlled using the tried and trusted Hillgus software. The USBUS 3010 compact ultrasonic test system is used in manual materials testing for composites and metals.

"Control showcases all the latest trends and innovations in technology for industrial quality assurance. We're pleased to be in attendance again this year and to present practical demonstrations of our product highlights for ultrasonic non-destructive testing to international experts. We're also pleased to present our new homepage in a modern design to visitors. It includes lots of additional content and has been designed for ease of both navigation and use," explains Dr Artur Szewieczek, Managing Director of Hillger NDT. 

Since 1984, Hillger NDT has been developing and distributing special ultrasound testing and imaging systems and is known for its innovative NDT solutions. In 2019, the expert in non-contact materials testing became a member of the BUTTING Group and has provided its extensive knowledge and expertise in quality assurance using NDT. 

Hillger NDT – more than 30 years in ultrasonic testing